Sunday, December 18, 2011

God is Speaking

So I've been reading this book called "I Dared to Call Him Father" by Bliquis Sheikh, which is a story of a Muslin woman who came to know God and how that affected her life. The story is really incredible and I find myself wanting to be like her.

She seemed to have a direct connection to the God hotline. She talked of how one day when she called her house church and said she was not going that night, she instantly had bad feelings about it. Then when she decided to go and called again, she felt a weight lifted off her. Another time she planned on not doing her devotions the next morning because she had such a long day and that night had trouble sleeping and had a bad day the next day. God was letting her know what He required of her and I was wishing He was so clear in my life.

Then I realized that He is, I've just been ignoring it. If I miss church I do feel bad and not as good, I just manage to forget or push those feelings aside. Same with doing my devotions. I find that my miserable and busy days are all days I haven't done my devotions.

God is speaking to me and I am sure you everyday we are just so busy we don't pay attention. Those feelings of unease before you do something you shouldn't or feelings of assurance for other things, is God's way of communicating. Though be careful, you're feelings can also be mislead and tempted. It is important to use the guidebook (a.k.a Bible) God has provided because He wrote it all down in there and just uses are feelings as a way of reminding us if we are not too busy to listen.

I'd also like to say my bad days aren't punishment from God for neglecting His word. They happen because without daily connection with God I am off balance. When I put God first in my life it makes everything else better, even the bad stuff. With God first I remember there is no problem too big for my God and that He is always there for me. More about that another time though.

Have a good Sunday! I know I am!